Many parents believe that in order to get your kids active, you have to leave the house, or invest huge amounts of effort or money. But this simply isn’t true.
After a busy day the last thing most parents want, is to have to put in more effort to make sure their kids do some sort of physical activity. If your children are already involved with extra-curricular or after school sports, then you’ll only need to think about how they can be active on the days they don’t have sport. Or, if your kids aren’t involved in organised sport already then what can you do?
As busy parents we know and understand the dilemma of having to get kids out from under your feet so you can cook, unpack lunchboxes, answer emails, make phone calls or do whatever else needs to be done in order to manage your life, but yet still steer them away from sedentary activities.
After much trial and error, as well as… Read the rest