50 per cent of child burn injuries take place in the kitchen
Now that the cooler months have kicked in, breakfast habits across Australia have changed to suit, and a warm bowl of porridge is now a popular morning meal for many families. This was exactly the...
View Article4 ways to boost your kids’ creative thinking
As a devoted parent, you only want what’s best for your children: you want them to be happy, healthy, kind and generous. You know how creative kids are: give them some space and the right things and...
View Article8 essential nutrients to include in a vegan diet for children
Plant-based and vegan diets are undoubtedly on the rise and, as men and women shift towards adopting this plant-filled diet and lifestyle pattern, this can become the choice made by parents for their...
View Article3 ways to teach a child how to pay attention in school
Parents, when you saw your child’s school report last year there may have been a few telling buzz words that crept in again and again: unfocussed, too social, easily distracted. And, if I’m honest, my...
View Article4 things to do NOW to prepare for the teen years
Most parents approach the teenage years with a little bit of dread. The fear of the unknown can be our worst enemy, and fill our mind with questions that are impossible to answer when our children are...
View ArticleWhat to do when your child starts losing their baby teeth
When your child gets their first wobbly tooth it can be an exciting milestone, but it can also be a confusing time for parents who may be unsure of what is ‘normal’ when it comes to losing baby teeth....
View Article25 awesome Aussie picture books for children
There are so many brilliant picture books for children but I especially love reading Australian books to my three. We have an amazing amount of talented authors and incredible illustrators here in...
View ArticleHow to help your child beat their bully
With approximately one in four Year 4 to Year 9 Australian students reported being bullied every few weeks or more often*, bullying is pretty much an epidemic. No parent wants their child to be bullied...
View Article6 ways to talk about sex with primary-aged kids
I’m here to talk about The Talk. Yes, that one. The Talk that no parent is really looking forward to: the sex talk. Today’s kids are facing a raft of sex education challenges that no other generation...
View Article5 ways to help your child be brave
Like us, you’ve probably made a few friends with other parents, on the sideline of the soccer field or at the local play centre, waiting for the last piece of birthday cake to be served! That’s how we...
View Article5 signs your child might have dyslexia
Dyslexia in children is typically identified during their early years of schooling and it comes in all shapes and sizes and looks different for each person. We’ve compiled a helpful list of signs to...
View Article7 important reasons a child needs outside play
I think we all instinctively want contact with nature — a room with a view, a picnic under a tree or to feel our bare feet in the sand. Yet today’s lifestyle sees us living removed from nature, shut...
View ArticleHow to recognise a mental health issue in your child
Children can develop many of the same mental health difficulties as adults, but sometimes they can manifest in different ways, making them harder to recognise. If parents are unsure, there is no harm...
View Article13 books to read to children who worry
We all know about the many benefits of reading to children. We know how it promotes brain development, sparks their imagination, develops early literacy skills, increases their communication and social...
View Article5 practical ways to prepare your child for primary school
You think you know what type of parent you will be when your child has their first day at school. You’ll be the one cheering as they sail through the door. You won’t cry, because big deal? They are...
View ArticleThe ‘kids are back at school’ financial audit
School holidays are a wonderful time for kids, who get to take a break from the monotonous school routine and get involved in all sorts of fun activities. But for parents, it can be an expensive time....
View Article5 tips on how to encourage safe and healthy technology use
While there is a lot of stigma around screen time for children having a negative impact on their learning, it is absolutely undeniable that technology is an integral part of our society and vastly...
View Article12 ideas for storing your child’s artwork
Yes, the little darlings are prolific, and they may show the makings of a Picasso of the future. However in the meantime what do we do with all of that artwork that covers the fridge and piles up on...
View Article6 tricks for an awesome road trip with kids
Listening to the same song over and over again. Stopping by the side of the road for an urgent pee just five minutes after you last stopped by the side of the road for an urgent pee. Spending the...
View Article12 easy Christmas craft ideas for kids
Children love to make their own Christmas decorations and craft. And they love to see their handiwork on display. These activities are not only fun, they’re easy, they can help develop fine motor...
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