At the start of a brand new school year parents spend much time considering ways to improve their kid’s nutrition. What should we pack in school lunches? What should we feed them to ensure the most nourishing breakfast? And how can I strike a balance between a quick and easy meal for the entire family, but one the kids will actually eat?
So if your goal is to make sure your family is eating as nutritious a diet as possible, here are a handful of key nutrients to focus on within your meal planning and some ideas on ways to strike the right balance between nutrition and kid-friendly foods.
5 key nutrients your kids need
Omega 3s
Very few Australian adults let alone children get the recommended daily intake of omega 3 fat that plays a key role in brain development and cognitive function. While children may be happy to eat sushi or even tuna, these foods are not overly high in omega 3 fat. Rather salmon,… Read the rest